It's Almost Here! Are You Ready?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
NaPiBoWriWee - National Picture Book Writing Week

Along with her new web site design, Paula Yoo has posted information about the 3rd annual National Picture Book Writing Week (a.k.a. NaPiBoWriWee) The goal of NaPiBoWriWee is to try to write 7 picture book manuscripts (rough drafts) in 7 days. Prizes will also be given away by random draws for those who particpate.

I have participated in NaPiBoWriWee since the first one in 2009 and have found it to be the freeing, kick-in-the-pants I need. Try it, you'll see what I mean.

For more information about NaPiBoWriWee visit Paula's site at

If you have any questions about my previous expiences in this challenge feel free to ask.


  1. This is my second NaPiBoWriWee and I'm so glad it's here! Do you see a lot of improvement in your writing over the past two years? It's great to look back and cringe, isn't it? :)

    Good luck - hope the PiBo juggling act is keeping you on your toes!

  1. Hi Caz,

    I do find some improvements in some aspects of my writing. I think the biggest improvement is being able to 'show, dont tell.' I find I think more about what actions the character is taking to show his/her emotion rather than telling the reader 's/he was sad.' Same with the setting. Instead of just saying 'it was raining' I think about what is sounds like, how does it smell? With picture books you have limited space so every word is important.

    Having said that, I find NaPiBoWriWee helps me get my ideas out faster and getting the flow of the story without stopping and thinking about every word. Ah, the freedom of rough drafts. Then, when I go back,(cringe)and edit a week later, I can expand on parts and other parts get chopped. I now focus on 'showing' and choosing just the right words.

    I hope you had a great week doing NaPiBoWriWee.

    Thanks for your comment.

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