I've recently discovered Rate Your Story! http://rateyourstory.blogspot.ca/
For the first week of each month, Rate Your Story will accept completed manuscripts that meet the criteria outlined in the submissions guidelines. The manuscripts are then critiqued by volunteer, published authors for FREE and returned in about 14 days. The story is rated on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the highest rating.
Along with the rating service, Rate Your Story also has a very informative blog.
As an added bonus, if the story scores a 1 or 2, Hummingbird Literary will accept submission of the manuscript on specific days. See submission guidelines for full details http://hummingbirdliterary.com/submissions/
I submitted my rhyming, picture book manuscript to Rate Your Story at the beginning of August. I'm excited, yet nervous, about getting my story rated. It was recently tweeted by @RateYourStory that almost all the manuscripts from August are returned and to check our inbox. I've checked....and checked and nothing yet, but I'm sure it will be done soon.
Thank you to all the Rate Your Story, volunteers judges for taking the time to help writers like myself.
- Miranda Paul
- Lori Degman
- Melissa Gorzelanczyk
- Mira Reisberg (Former judge)
- Katie Clark (New judge next month)